Inside: altered playing cards with different techniques and materials


When I started with mixed media I was very unsure of almost every step I made because I felt I didn't know enough techniques, enough materials or had enough experience. I wanted to make mixed media in a small scale that won't be so scary so I decide to alter playing cards. If until now you were not sure about mixed media like I was, or a little scared to create an art journal page or even a canvas for whatever reason this tutorial series is for you! The 52 playing cards I made really opened my mind and set my creativity free with no fear! These altered mixed media playing cards with the 52 mixed media Techniques is the ultimate series to start and master mixed media techniques.




There are 52 cards in every deck and we'll alter each card with a different technique or material, some you might know or tried, but many will be new and definitely exciting! Each of the cards is going to be covered with a material or a technique that will alter the way it looks completely.



Not only are playing cards the perfect surface for mixed media especially if you're just starting but also they're great if you want to maximize supplies:

  • They are small so it's less intimidating to work on a small space and make mistakes.
  • Cards are thick enough to accept all kinds of materials but not to thick to cut or punch.
  • They are all cut to the same size and you don't need to spend time on cutting them.
  • You have enough of them to have spares if you really mess up and need to re-do something 🙂

To start the altering process I found 52 inspiring words to be the focal point of the 52 altered cards. On every card I made different backgrounds and added different elements and finished each card with that one special word. When you work on your cards you can add the words that inspire you and make you feel happy. After all the cards were ready I made a little book from all the cards bound with a large ring so I can look for the right technique.

This little playing cards book is now a kind of a catalog for all the mixed media techniques I can use on any of my mixed media projects. When I'm stuck I go through the book and find techniques I can use and ideas for my projects.




In order tomake sure all your techniques come out exactly as you want you need to know your materials!

Click the link or the image below to download your FREE guide "Know Your Materials", a detailed table with all the properties you need to know about each material, when to use it and for what.



Here are the techniques I used to alter the palying cards and create the unique look for each card:

  • Sparying and spritzing
  • Acrylic painting and brushing
  • Water stenciling
  • Distress and alcohol inking
  • Card painting
  • Doodling and freehand drawing
  • Washi tape applying
  • Triple stenciling
  • Micro beading and texture
  • Paper collage and piecing
  • Stamping
  • Series principles
  • Color blending
  • Distress markers and inks reactions
  • Drippage and fluid paint
  • Styles in art - black and white, whimsical and plain
  • Transfer techniques
  • Modeling paste and texture
  • 3D effects
  • Embossing
  • Negative stenciling
  • Drawing and mark making
  • Dabbing and painting
  • Masking
  • Journaling and writing
  • Punching and making shapes
  • Resist techniques
  • Faux mosaic
  • Tissue paper making
  • Adding texture
  • Braying
  • Gelli plate techniques and monoprinting


Check out the video tutorial for the first 2 sets of cards then follow the instructions to make them:




Want to see all the 52 altered playing cards and the mixed media techniques?

The full Altered Mixed Media Playing Cards series has 5 parts and they are all available in the VIP Room. The VIP Room is a monthly members club where you get in depth tutorials of projects and techniques. for more details visit the VIP Room page: the VIP Room. Once you have access to the VIP Room you'll be able to watch all the full series and other workshop grade video tutorials, participate in all the giveaways, get monthly freebies and be a part of the best creative club!


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Have fun creating!


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Einat Kessler


Hello crafty friends!
I'm Einat: creative professional,mixed media artist, scrapbook and paper designer, altering enthusiast and class instructor.
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