Inside: how to make an inspiration mini book with patterns and color combinations   Do you ever create for the sake of creating and fun or do you always create something that is useful and has a purpose? I love creating with no specific goal or purpose just for the fun and the creative process. When that happens I start with a technique or a material and just play with it until something starts to form. This process is very inspiring because it allows you to experiment, try new things without worrying you’ll destroy a specific project.       WHAT IS AN INSPIRATION MINI BOOK   An inspiration book is something that inspires you to start a creative process. Each one is inspired by different things so each inspiration book will look different. The book can inspire you while you create it or after it’s complete – it is all up yo you!   HOW TO MAKE YOUR …


  Inside: Learn how to make an interactive mini album in a box   I love making DIY gifts but I want to make them useful and not something that will be forgotten on a shelf or in its box. That’s why a mini album in a box set is a great gift to make for someone because it’s not only pretty it’s also practical. But how do you make the box fit the mini album and how do you make the photo album inside? To answer these questions scroll down and check out the tutorial!     DIY MINI ALBUM AND PAPER BOX SET   When you go online you can get dizzy with all the options you can find. So let’s try to see what is what… There are two main types of mini albums in a box that you can make. Both are interactive, which means they are or have moving flaps, pockets and other mechanisms in …


  Inside: what are artist trading cards and how to make them look amazing   Artist trading cards (ATCs) is a conceptual art project initiated by the Swiss artist M. Vänçi Stirnemann in 1997. Artist trading cards are 2.5 by 3.5 inches in size, the same format as modern trading cards (hockey cards or baseball cards) or playing cards. They are self-made unique works or small series, signed and dated on the reverse by the artist/producer, exchanged and collected by the people who participate in the collaboration.         WHAT ARE THE RULES OF ARTIST TRADING CARDS   If you’re not familiar with ATC’s here are the basics that you need to know: Size: 2.5″ x 3.5″ vertical or horizontal You can use all mediums Create more than one and show your style Sign your name and add the card’s title on the back ATC’s are for trade never for sale   HOW TO MAKE ATC’s?   Cut …

My Man Masculine Interactive Mini Album Tutorial

Hi dear crafty friends!Today I’m sharing a new mini album I created for Photographs ad Memoried Scrapbooking. My Man Masculine Interactive Mini Album Tutorial also has a supplies kit you can purchase to create this album! You can get this kit at Photographs ad Memoried Scrapbooking. It’s all about the men in your lives and what they love to do!! This mini album is full of space for photos and journaling.  My Man Masculine Interactive Mini Album TutorialMasculine projects can some times be a problem but if you have the right materials you can create the most amazing project. This kit has beautiful pages with masculine colors like red, black and gray. It also has beautiful embellishments like cogwheels and matching ribbons and my favorite is the postcard size papers with vintage printing of masculinr hobbies like fishing, chess, bicycle and sports.    The layout of this mini album might seems complicated at first but the video tutorial will take you step by …


  Inside: how to make a realistic mixed media canvas art   There are two main methods to make a mixed media canvas. The first is to make a mixed media art canvas with an abstract look and no actual scene or person. The second methods is to create a canvas with an actual scene, person or real image.  It might surprise you, but the second method is a little more difficult because it’s not just adding layers of paint and texture you have to create something that exists in reality, with real elements.       HOW TO MAKE A REALISTIC MIXED MEDIA CANVAS   PICK YOUR SCENE   First, you need to decide what scene you want to create on your canvas. You can create: Landscape: a scene with a view of nature or an urban setting A scene with a person: use an image or photo with an actual person on your canvas Real place: you don’t …


  Inside: 4 ways to make watercolor backgrounds for beginners   Ny favorite roller coaster is Thunder Mountain in Disney World. Not because it’s the best in the world but because it’s mild and not too scary. Yes, I don’t like roller coasters, they scare me so I don’t get up on them, I only compromise on the less scary ones. But when it comes to crafting I don’t get scared I can angry. If there is something I never did because I was too scared to fail at it I usually do it anyway because I don’t like failing and I don’t like to miss out.   This is what happened to me with watercolors. I was too scared to try them at first because I don’t know how to draw and I never learned any watercolor techniques. But that made me mad…why shouldn’t I give up on this unique paints? I shouldn’t!     HOW TO USE WATERCOLORS …


  Inside: altered playing cards with different techniques and materials   When I started with mixed media I was very unsure of almost every step I made because I felt I didn’t know enough techniques, enough materials or had enough experience. I wanted to make mixed media in a small scale that won’t be so scary so I decide to alter playing cards. If until now you were not sure about mixed media like I was, or a little scared to create an art journal page or even a canvas for whatever reason this tutorial series is for you! The 52 playing cards I made really opened my mind and set my creativity free with no fear! These altered mixed media playing cards with the 52 mixed media Techniques is the ultimate series to start and master mixed media techniques.     WHAT ARE ALTERED MIXED MEDIA PLAYING CARDS There are 52 cards in every deck and we’ll alter each …

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Einat Kessler


Hello crafty friends!
I'm Einat: creative professional,mixed media artist, scrapbook and paper designer, altering enthusiast and class instructor.
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The designs, pictures and instructions listed on this blog are provided here for personal use only and may not be sold, reproduced or used for commercial or submission purposes in any form without my written permission.