May 8th, 2020
Inside: the best way to make a flap mini album page. I love surprises – as long as they are good ones, they are so much fun! I just love that feeling of excitement when something unexpected happens and how nice it feels. That’s why I love making interactive mini albums with all kinds of hidden surprises in the pages. One of the most common interactive surprises is a mini album page with a flap. Imagine yourself flipping through a mini album and suddenly a page, that looks like any other page opens and reveals a hidden page underneath. It can hide an extra photo, journaling or even more surprises like a pocket or even more flaps! WHY ADD A FLAP TO A MINI ALBUM PAGE It has an element of fun and surprise The page has extra space for photos or journaling Although it’s easy to make it makes your mini album look …
May 1st, 2020
Inside: the best ways to overcome a blank page in your art journal I’m a creative person but even I have days when my mind is blank. One day I wanted to work in my art journal and create something but I had no ideas! I sat in front of my art journal and nothing… To tell you the truth, it was scary – how is it that someone as creative as me has no inspiration and can’t make one page in an art journal? I decided to create a “bank” of ideas that I can always go to when I’m faced with this situation again! HOW TO START AN ART JOURNAL PAGE The method I use is to start with one element. That element is not necessarily on the page, it’s usually in your mind. What I mean is that once you have an idea for one element to start with then the …
April 24th, 2020
Inside: how to combine mixed media in scrapbooking without compromising on techniques and photos I used to think that mixed media and scrapbooking can’t go together. In my mind hey seem to contradict each other because how can I use “wet” materials like sprays or modeling paste with photos that need to stay dry. Of course I was wrong! Not only that mixed media and scrapbooking can go together, it’s an amazing way of making interesting and unique pages! WHAT IS MIXED MEDIA IN SCRAPBOOKING First we need to be clear on the two different types of craft that we want to combine: Scrapbooking is the art of documenting life with photos, papers and embellishments. It’s a “dry” craft that uses mainly paper and paper related products like chipboard, stickers etc. Mixed media is an art form that combined different techniques and materials. It uses “wet” materials like paints, sprays, modeling paste and gesso. When …
April 17th, 2020
Inside: the basic elements you need to know to make amazing interactive mini albums Remember the line from the movie Forest Gump? “Life is like a box of chocolate…you never know what you’re gonna get” I think it should apply to mini albums too. It’s much more fun and interesting to look through a mini album when you don’t know what you’re going to get or see. The element of surprise is best achieved with interactive moving parts like flaps, windows, pockets and other unexpected mechanisms to surprise you. WHAT IS AN INTERACTIVE MINI ALBUM? Interactive mini album is a mini album that has active mechanisms inside, such as pockets, flaps and tags. The viewer is not just looking at pages and photos but has to be actively participating by opening, pulling, sliding parts on the page. That makes the mini album experience much more interesting, fun and exciting! WHY MAKE INTERACTIVE MINI …
April 10th, 2020
Inside: fun and easy 5 minute project ideas you’ll love to make! If I could have my wish I’d have 3 extra hours a day just for crafting. Unfortunately I don’t see it happen… we only have 24 hours a day and we mostly fill them with things we have to do, work, kids etc. But I need more crafting time! So if I can’t control how many hours are in a day I’ll control how much time I need for crafting! My formula is simple – make 5 minute projects that are also useful and kill two birds in one stone… craft AND make things someone can use so they’ll be perfect as gifts or for future projects. 5 MINUTE PROJECT IDEAS The key for 5 minute projects is not necessarily work fast but make easy projects that don’t involve complicated techniques, lots of materials and long processes. It might not take exactly 5 minutes …
April 3rd, 2020
Inside: how to alleviate stress with art journaling In these crazy times many experience stress or anxiety. It’s normal. Unfortunately I can say that I have experienced situations like that before. When you live in a country where other people don’t want you here and try to scare you off or drive you out with rockets then you have experienced life threatening situations before. Some people freeze or get anxiety attacks but I refused to go there (not that it’s always a choice…sometimes it’s just happens to you) I made a choice to work through my fear and stress with art. ALLEVIATE STRESS WITH ART JOURNALING Studies say making art reduces stress, even if you suck at it. The Journal of the American Art Therapy Association says that 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body, regardless of artistic experience or talent. While you can make any type of art you like …
March 27th, 2020
Inside: how to make art & crafts when you’re stuck at home How are you doing in these crazy times? Most likely you’re stuck at home like the rest of us and bored out of your mind 🙂 Even though creative people are seldom bored finding new ways to make arts & crafts is always a good idea. MAKING ARTS & CRAFTS IN QUARANTINE Even if you’re stuck at home there are still ways you can make arts & crafts. It’s well known that art and crafts are therapeutic and can help alleviate stress and cope with anxiety. So making arts & crafts can be valuable now even more so finding time for that everyday is great! Don’t worry about your craft stash – almost all these ideas require basic craft supplies and you can use whatever you have in your stash! MAKE ART It might sound stupid and obvious but it can be …
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