May 7th, 2017
Inside: altered playing cards with different techniques and materials When I started with mixed media I was very unsure of almost every step I made because I felt I didn’t know enough techniques, enough materials or had enough experience. I wanted to make mixed media in a small scale that won’t be so scary so I decide to alter playing cards. If until now you were not sure about mixed media like I was, or a little scared to create an art journal page or even a canvas for whatever reason this tutorial series is for you! The 52 playing cards I made really opened my mind and set my creativity free with no fear! These altered mixed media playing cards with the 52 mixed media Techniques is the ultimate series to start and master mixed media techniques. WHAT ARE ALTERED MIXED MEDIA PLAYING CARDS There are 52 cards in every deck and we’ll alter each …
January 10th, 2016
Inside: how to make a faux tree trunk fairy house with supplies you have in your stash! Have you ever put two socks in your washing machine and when it was finished only found one? It happens to me all the time! The explanation for this phenomenon is that the socks get sucked into the washing machine’s pipes or get pulled under the drum. However there’s another more controversial explanation which I like much better… the fairies stole one of the socks! You don’t have to believe in fairies to make this faux tree trunk fairy house but… it won’t hurt
FAUX TREE TRUNK LOOK Making a faux tree trunk look is a process of making one material look like another material. Tree bark has two distinct characteristics you need to consider: Texture: the bark is not smooth but very coarse and has a lot of texture. So you’ll need to add texture to the …
October 11th, 2015
Inside: how to make an altered Halloween spell book cover I think the most fun projects I ever made were made for Halloween. I love all the creepy spooky stuff you get to add to everything and even if I don’t celebrate this holiday (like me, because I don’t in a country where this holiday is celebrated) it’s still fun. This altered Halloween spell book takes a little time to create and it will defenitely upgrade your spooky book shelf!. SUPPLIES NEEDED TO MAKE THE HALLOWEEN SPELL BOOK OLD BOOK To create the Halloween spell book you’ll need to use an old book and alter it. For this project you can use any book you have – that means any language, size, page thickness etc. The only thing you must make sure is to use a hard cover book. This is a great opportunity to use a book you no longer need or read.I …
December 16th, 2014
Inside: how to make an old cd into a cherished mini album Raise your hand if you have old cd’s in your house and many of them. Now that we use other technologies to listen to music those old cd’s are just not needed anymore. So the question is what to do with them? There are many old cd crafts you can make starting from coasters and clock to wall hangings and mini albums. WHAT CAN YOU MAKE FROM OLD CDS The types of arts and crafts you can make with old cds are almost endless. Here is what you need to conside: The circle shape is unique and can fit many projects like coasters, wall hangings and mini books Cd’s have a shiny mirror like surface that is fun and versatile You can break its shape and use the pieces for mosaic art or jewelry IDEAS FOR ALTERED CDS Mosaic projects like …
December 7th, 2014
Inside: how to recycle tp rolls and empty cardboard boxes into a desk organizer I was recently asked by a fellow crafter to complete the sentence: “you know you are a crafter when: ___”. Well the answer for me was easy… when everything I see I immediately think how I can make it into something else and what kind of craft project I can make of it. This was true when I had to throw some tp rolls and empty cardboard boxes last week and I thought why don’t I make something out of them instead of throwing them away. So it happened I was in need of a new and improved desk organizer… RECYCLE TP ROLLS AND CARDBOARD BOXES When you’re a crafter and you care about the environment throwing away tp rolls and food packages seem like a terrible waste. That’s why recycling has become so popular and one person’s trash is another …
September 27th, 2014
Inside: how to make altered matchboxes and easily recycle them into a drawer vanity. I don’t like to throw things away. I’m not a hoarder but when I throw some things away, especially boxes of all types it always seems like a waste. I always think to myself there must be something to do with them instead of throwing them away. Usually I end up throwing them into the recycling bin, but every now and then I get a really creative idea – altered matchboxes! This time I took all my empty matchboxes and made them into a miniature drawer vanity. WHAT IS ALTERED ART Altered art is the transformation or alteration of ordinary, everyday objects into decorative pieces using a wide variety of different techniques and materials, for example, rubber stamps, fabric, paper, paint and fibres. It’s a broad term that includes many artistic styles or genres, but at its most basic describes …
August 16th, 2014
Inside: what to do with an old dry paint brush and how to easily recycle it to a beautiful art project The one thing I’m very bad at in regards to crafting is cleaning! I never clean my stencils and I usually forget to clean my brushes. That means I have a lot of old dry paint brushes in my craft room. Even though they are dry and most probably beyond salvage I still can’t throw them away so I come up with ways to recycle them! HOW TO CLEAN OLD DRY PAINT BRUSH I you are like me and have old dry paintbrushes there might still be a way to save them: For oil-based paints, varnishes, lacquers – follow the manufacturer’s instructions to select the proper cleaning solvent (mineral spirits or paint thinner for paint and varnish, denatured alcohol for shellac, etc.). Pour the solvent into a container and dip the paint brush into …
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