July 21st, 2023
Inside: how to personalize your memory book There’s something magical about flipping through pages filled with precious memories. Whether it’s cherished photos of a family vacation, special people or events, the most emotional shots taken on your wedding day, or the first drawings of your child, each page opens up a world of nostalgia and joy. But how do you make your scrapbook your own? Here are the basic steps to turn your ordinary photo album into a personalized masterpiece. CHOOSE A THEME FOR YOUR MEMORY BOOK Choosing a theme for your scrapbook is a crucial first step to take. It sets the tone for all the memories you’re going to preserve and present. What’s more, a consistent theme not only makes your scrapbook more visually appealing but also helps narrate a cohesive story of your life moments. A theme can be: A special person Your latest trip or vacation Photo collection of …
July 1st, 2022
Inside: the truth about the benefits of online video art classes. If you have been wanting to do something creative but you don’t have the time to take regular classes, then online classes may be just what you are looking for. Online video art classes give you the chance to learn from the experts from the comfort of your own home. If you have been on the fence about whether or not you should take this route. Here are some of the main reasons why I love to take online art classes. GET FOCUSED If you have a busy life it can be difficult for you to get focused on learning the art you want. There are so many distractions, your family life to consider as well as your work life. But when you take a class online it allows you to work around all that: When you take an online art class you …
June 24th, 2022
Inside: how to make amazing boys scrapbook pages you’ll be proud of and most importantly so will your boys! If you have sons like me, or you want to create masculine layouts for the boys in your family you probably find fewer ideas and less inspiration then you would for girly layouts. Face it, most of us are girls! We like girly things and sometimes we prefer to create girly layouts. BUT I have boys and I wanted to make boys scrapbook pages so I started researching this and this is what I came up with… THE CHALLENGES OF MAKING BOYS SCRAPBOOK PAGES When you make a scrapbook layout you want it to tell a story and also make it pretty. With girly pages it’s much easier… you add some flowers and your job is half done. But with boys scrapbook pages you have a few challenges: THE COLORS ARE LIMITED Boys traditional colors are …
April 24th, 2020
Inside: how to combine mixed media in scrapbooking without compromising on techniques and photos I used to think that mixed media and scrapbooking can’t go together. In my mind hey seem to contradict each other because how can I use “wet” materials like sprays or modeling paste with photos that need to stay dry. Of course I was wrong! Not only that mixed media and scrapbooking can go together, it’s an amazing way of making interesting and unique pages! WHAT IS MIXED MEDIA IN SCRAPBOOKING First we need to be clear on the two different types of craft that we want to combine: Scrapbooking is the art of documenting life with photos, papers and embellishments. It’s a “dry” craft that uses mainly paper and paper related products like chipboard, stickers etc. Mixed media is an art form that combined different techniques and materials. It uses “wet” materials like paints, sprays, modeling paste and gesso. When …
March 6th, 2020
Inside: how to make unique scrapbook page backgrounds that will make your layouts look amazing! I always try to find ways to make unique and interesting scrapbook layouts but it’s hard when everything has been done before. I’ve notices that if I’m repeating myself and create the same scrapbook pages again and again the entire scrapbooking experience becomes boring. So in order to make things more interesting for me and make my pages more exciting I found a way to change things up a little. I’ve started working on making unique and different scrapbook page backgrounds that will be surprising and new! Most of the pages we make have a standard 12×12 cardstock background. We sometimes use solid cardstock and sometimes patterned cardstock but we usually stop there and concentrate on unique embellishments, pretty photos and interesting journaling to turn the page into a work of art. How about concentrating on the scrapbook page background? Making …
February 28th, 2020
Inside: how to add a title to any paper craft project in a unique and creative way Everyone has a name it is the first thing that we are known for. So should any paper craft project. A title is the first thing that you see on a layout, mini album or an art journal page and that is why it’s important to take the time and add the right kind of title . There are many ways to add that title with positive and negative points to each way. Which way to use is up to you but my recommendation is to try as many ways as you can to make things more interesting. HOW TO ADD A TITLE TO A PAPER CRAFT PROJECT You can create a title on your paper craft project from almost any material using many types of techniques. Here are my 5 best ways: UNIQUE TITLE ON YOUR …
February 21st, 2020
Inside: 6 reasons to start making awesome scrapbook layouts again! Lately I hardly made any scrapbook layouts and I’ve noticed it’s not just me. There is a trend to make Project Life albums or mini albums and the traditional 12×12 pages have almost disappeared from the scene. While making mini albums and project Life makes sense sometimes you need to make a 12×12 scrapbook page because you don’t have enough photos for a mini album or you just not into Project Life…like me
So I started thinking about all the reasons I used to make traditional scrapbook layouts… I want to convince you to join me! Let’s scrapbook again! Let’s tell stories again, wonderful, funny, exciting stories, ordinary everyday stories, stories that will live forever and be a great piece of history for generations to come! And I have 5 terrific reasons to start scrapbooking again that’ll surely convince you too. WHY MAKE SCRAPBOOK LAYOUTS AGAIN …
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